Zapier is used a decent amount, too. You don't have near that many active accounts, do you?

// @japchap

Whoops, now I see. Will read.

Oh my! Sorry to hear. Are you looking for another church, or is this a complete break?

Are you storing files on Amazon, or just using their CDN? I'd love to do file storage, but I don't want to store on AWS.

Figuring out my implementation of "channels".

yeah. Currently it only has public posts, no channels/PMs, no annotations.

@skematica ah, hm. that's believable.

@skematica what wrapper?

Just yesterday I wiped the bookmarks on my network, and an API version of 0 tries to keep things clear on that front. :) But it should be "usable" now. Glad to send you an invite. I ranked you as "early adopter", but I know you like your phone, and pnut isn't very accessible on mobile yet--unless you're on Blackberry! :D

