@nielsk hell.
@matigo Right. Resilience makes sense. Just… funny in the current market for a short message platform to go all-in on resilience.
@lukasros @matigo @phoneboy @thrrgilag
My project won't approach @matigo's professionalism. ;) It's so barebones.
Manton has APIs? I didn't see anything. [snippets.today] Interesting, but I can't help thinking cross-post joy == spam and sort-of-decentralization == bad performance. Not that my network can speak to performance. :P
@matigo the feature set is phenomenal. Only thing is the app market, which doesn't matter much to business (at least, ours, certainly).
// @thrrgilag
@thrrgilag hah!! I'm thankfully in a place where I really don't have any lists I don't want to work on… but I do have lots of lists to work on…