@jussipekonen hahaha! LinkedIn! Didn't even realize they have an API!
A law suit started a series of stories by our local newspaper, and the paper coverage got five gov't offices, including the FBI, investigating the 78th District House democratic primary a couple months ago (just completed with the opponent winning a re-vote!).
The Post-Dispatch coverage specifically brought the FBI in -- it surfaced a handful of serious new evidence.
// @JeremyCherfas @larand @gtwilson @kdfrawg
@jws tried to clarify that a little. At some point I will add something like "includecopymentions=1/0" to the API, too. The data's there.
@c that's what it looks like. It just means you really do need a server running it. I can throw it on a digitalOcean drop, but I don't know if the terribleness of the host would affect usage.
@c heh, yeah. Pastapp is trickier, since it doesn't all run in-browser. What's that about, anyway? Does it cache tons of things?