@matigo they are still recovering from birth ;) so small. Still on "1" diapers. But lots of smiles, easy sleepers, starting to crawl. Can't wait for them to get more vocal. Lots of personality already.
@matigo heh. no idea. We did have to ask for straws and ketchup at the in-n-out burger. But they included napkins.
@matigo thankfully we were able to fly, but it's still an ordeal, with layover and 2hrs driving after arrival still.
@matigo she was 90, it was not expected but, on the other hand it was. Sorry to lose her but glad to get to see all this family we otherwise wouldn't. It's ~2000mi from home.
Just visiting family for a memorial service before swooping back to the Midwest.
Yesterday I finally got an update out to the pnut.io API. It had been 1yr 9mo since a release. :)