@matigo Some improvements with hardware for sure. Moved to SSDs, and favored higher speed CPUs over core count. Things are snappier!
Pnut went through maintenance very well, with ~1.5 hours of downtime to change servers. :)
@matigo luckily, plenty of people ask you how you write every day, giving you ample material to respond to in said writings! XD
@hazardwarning Things can either be verbose or complex, in my experience. :}
// @nitinkhanna
@matigo Certainly. I had the same problem on Broadsword, so I set Moment to use the logged in user's timezone instead of the device timezone. Could be wrong, of course, but then it is setting to what the user sets, and doesn't need the user's device info.
Heh. because browser fingerprinting is off, 10C javascript can't tell what my timezone is.
@streakmachine I meant it looks like the list in the article is pretty long, and there are a number that aren't Electron-based.