
Hello, fellow travelers! pnut.io is having a hackathon tomorrow (today-ish)! Really excited about the things people are working on. I've blocked the day for it, and will work on the API as well as #pnutprinter, #towerbridgebot, and other toys, depending how the day goes.

Some friends are coming over to hack at my house, so that may steer me towards the toys while they're there. ;)

whoa, first I'm hearing. Do you have aspirations for the next step?


I have a GBC at work with Zelda and Frogger. I never play it, of course. ;) ;)

the r is very important in beer. :D


Oh. How do I change a file's accessibility? I guess I've never uploaded a file. Can I do it without posting?

Oh yeah. I don't like cloudflare. But you don't do any private files, right? A file uploaded is a publicly accessible file?

I haven't found them to have decent speeds, and functionality is quite limited. Takes me 2 seconds to download a 1.4MB image and they don't cache, where S3 takes <500ms first time, and intelligently cached after that.

But for backups, as is their specialty, it doesn't matter.

PM :)