I just wish the normal top menu (not button mode) and bookmark folders would allow you to click to open a menu, and slide your mouse sideways and open other menus, instead of keeping the single menu open until you click off it.

CMS's worth that much should be able to do things others can't! ;)

I've never used WebRTC. Looked into it, but haven't had a good project for it, I think because it's so prevalent as an add-on to existing services.

WebRTC - are you building something with it?

El weekendo! Almost.

ha! Good one. :P

oh, I think emoji codes are silly, so I use my own. ;)

yeah, possible. :shrug_emoji:

Oh, I didn't "tell as I know more". :} whoops.

yeah, it came back up after a moment. It wasn't just me, but the server itself didn't suffer anything, far's I can tell; potentially some sort of outage.